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Neighborhood App

To foster a community where people in the same neighborhood can find new friends,

activity groups, and freelance labor nearby.

Key Features

Discover activity groups, Resident building groups, Marketplace to trade items, Freelance labor

Target User

People living in big cities, or densely populated areas. 

People living in apartment building with 20+ units.


UX/ UI Design



Concept Background
Concept Background

Living in a big city can be fun and lonely at the same time. People come and go, social circle can be small and limited, friends might not live nearby and might not share the same social schedules. The pandemic has made public commute more risky and troublesome. This app aims to foster a community where people in the same neighborhood can find activity groups and help nearby, to socialize, trad goods, and make new friends. 

  • Hard to make new friends outside usual circle in a natural setting.


  • Long commute prevents people's desire to meet frequently and maintain relationship.


  • Moving out/ in and would like to quickly sell/ buy things.


  • Moving to a new city and want to go out but don't want to do things alone.


  • Sudden need of household commodities( ingredients, condiments, utensils, printer...etc).​


  • Need help of small tasks such as dog-walking, move-in/ move-out help, delivery...handyman.. and not sure where to find trusted help nearby.

Product Features
  • Activity Groups

    • ​Under each activity category, user can post on discussion boards, search for discussion by tags, date, interact with and follow others' posts.

    • User can add each other as Friends from discussion forum and chat privately.

  • Resident Building Group​

    • ​Users who choose to list current building (privately) on their profile will automatically join the building group chat to connect with other residents in the same building.

    • This enables residents to ex-
      change information/news,
      foster neighbor bonding,
      help each other for immediate needs
      Residents can add each other as friends and start private chat

  • Friends

    • ​User can have private or group chat with friends on contact list.Text/ Video/Voice/Photo functions available
      Can assign tags and create favorite list of contacts.

  • Marketplace​

    • Trading goods​

  • ​Task-runner​

    • ​User can post to find freelance labor with everyday tasks, such as moving,
      furniture assembly, handyman, babysitting..etc

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